
The Courtenay Civic Cemetery is located at 4768 Old Island Highway, on the north side of Courtenay between Muir Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway.

Visiting hours

The cemetery is open daily from 8 a.m to 8 p.m.
During winter, the cemetery closes at dusk.

Please note: Dogs are not allowed in the cemetery.

Find a burial site

Use the interactive cemetery map to search for a burial site by last name or plot number:

Cemetery plots and services

Staff can assist you with:

  • Plot availability and options
  • Scheduling interments
  • Cremated remains and scattering services

Cemetery features

The Courtenay Civic Cemetery offers:

Floral offerings

To help maintain the appearance and safety of the cemetery:

  • Floral arrangements and wreaths may stay for one week after interment.
  • Fresh cut flowers are allowed year-round in provided in-ground vases.
  • One potted plant (up to 6 inches in diameter) may be placed for one week on Easter, Mother’s DayFather’s DayRemembrance Day and Christmas.
  • Artificial flowers or wreaths are allowed from November 1 to March 31. After this period, they will be removed and placed in the general pick-up area.

Not allowed:
Personal mementos, photos, decorative vases, candles, landscape rock, borders, fencing, plant hooks, solar lights, plants or plantings.

These items will be removed and placed in the general pick-up area.

Please do not plant, remove or disturb any trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, bulbs or rocks.

Cemetery rules and requirements

  • To transfer a plot to another person, submit a letter with their details to the City. A transfer fee applies. You may sell back a plot to the City for the original purchase price, minus the care fund fee.
  • The City may limit the number of plots sold to any one person.
  • A cremation certificate is required for all cremated remains.
  • Cremated remains must be inurned within 90 days of full payment.
  • Scattering cremated remains is only allowed in the scattering garden, and must be scheduled with staff and authorized in advance.
  • Anyone disrupting the peace in the cemetery may be asked to leave.
  • All memorial markers are installed by City staff.

Documents and publications