The bylaws listed are provided for information purposes only, and the City of Courtenay will not be responsible for their validity or completeness. Individuals wishing to quote from or use the bylaws should consult the Manager of Legislative Services to ensure they are current. For legal and other purposes, certified copies of the official version may be obtained from the Manager of Legislative Services, City of Courtenay, 830 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay. BC V9N 2J7.
# A B C D E F I M N O P S T W Z
- Cemetery Management Bylaw No. 2569, 2009 [PDF - 67 KB] / Cemetery
- City of Courtenay False Alarm Fees Bylaw No. 1712, 1993 [PDF - 333 KB] / General Regulatory
- City of Courtenay Sewer User Rate Bylaw No. 1786 [PDF - 78 KB] / Water and Sewer
- City of Courtenay Street Tree Planting Bylaw No. 1709, 1993 [PDF - 394 KB] / Land Use
- Controlled Substance Property Bylaw No. 2285, 2003 [PDF - 29 KB] / General Regulatory
- Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2730, 2013 [PDF - 312 KB] / Procedural
- Council Remuneration Bylaw No. 3069, 2022 [PDF - 38 KB] / General Regulatory
- Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 2676, 2011 [PDF - 98 KB] / Procedural
- Development Cost Charges Affordable Housing Bylaw No.3118, 2024 [PDF - 69 KB] / Land Use
- Development Cost Charges Bylaw No.2840, 2016 [PDF - 36 KB] / Land Use
- Development Procedures Bylaw No. 3106, 2023 [PDF - 4 MB] / Land Use
- Downtown Courtenay Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No.2937, 2018 [PDF - 2 MB] / Land Use
- Fees and Charges - Development [PDF - 1 MB] / Fees and Charges
- Fees and Charges - False Alarms [PDF - 8 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Fees and Charges - Freedom of Information (FOIPPA) [PDF - 16 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Fees and Charges - Miscellaneous and RCMP [PDF - 217 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Fees and Charges - Recreation Facility Fees 2024 [PDF - 291 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Fees and Charges - Sanitary Sewer [PDF - 604 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Fees and Charges - Storm Sewer System [PDF - 471 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Fees and Charges - Water [PDF - 660 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3129, 2024 (Solid waste) [PDF - 25 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Warning Sign Bylaw No. 2386, 2004 [PDF - 26 KB] / General Regulatory
- Fill Placement and Soil Removal Bylaw No. 2359, 2004 [PDF - 173 KB] / Land Use
- Fire Protective Services Bylaw No. 2556, 2008 [PDF - 189 KB] / Emergency Services
- Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 1743, 1994 [PDF - 2 MB] / Land Use
- Parks and Open Spaces Regulation Bylaw, Bylaw No. 3121 [PDF - 806 KB] / General Regulatory
- Pesticide Use Bylaw No. 2504, 2007 [PDF - 47 KB] / General Regulatory
- Prevention of Public Nuisances Bylaw No, 2804, 2014 [PDF - 165 KB] / General Regulatory
- Property Tax Installment Payment Plan Bylaw No.3085 [PDF - 146 KB] / General Regulatory
- Property Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3131, 2024 [PDF - 168 KB] / Fees and Charges
- Sanitary Sewer Use, Extension and Connection Bylaw No. 1327, 1983 [PDF - 117 KB] / Water and Sewer
- Second-Hand Dealers Bylaw No. 2524, 2008 [PDF - 59 KB] / General Regulatory
- Sign Bylaw No. 2760, 2013 [PDF - 3 MB] / Land Use
- Solid Waste Management Bylaw No. 3113, 2023 [PDF - 568 KB] / Water and Sewer
- Special Events Regulation Bylaw No. 2396, 2005 [PDF - 50 KB] / General Regulatory
- Storm Drain Connection Fee Amendment Bylaw No. 2182, 2001 [PDF - 38 KB] / Water and Sewer
- Storm Sewer By-law No. 1402, 1986 [PDF - 2 MB] / Water and Sewer
- Street Entertainers Regulation Bylaw No. 2749, 2013 [PDF - 47 KB] / General Regulatory
- Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 2919 [PDF - 11 MB] / Building and Construction