Corporate Climate Action

Climate Action Charter

The City of Courtenay signed on to the Province of B.C.’s Climate Action Charter in October 2007 along with the Union of B.C. Municipalities and most other local governments. The Climate Action Charter recognizes the need for action on climate change and the important role that the Provincial Government and local governments can play in promoting change.

By signing the charter, local governments are agreeing to commit to the following three goals:

  1. Become carbon neutral in respect to municipal operations by 2012
  2. Measure and report on the community's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions profile
  3. Create a complete, compact and more energy-efficient community

Corporate Climate Action Strategy

In 2009, the City developed a Corporate Climate Action Strategy [PDF - 292 KB] detailing a wide range of actions to address GHG emissions. The strategy was based on data from the 2008 Corporate Energy and GHG emissions inventory, which estimated the City's corporate GHG emissions at 869 tonnes annually. Corporate GHG emissions are those generated by the energy consumed during the delivery of municipal operations, such as the City's vehicle fleet, facilities and street lighting.

The goal is to reduce GHG emissions as much as possible through a variety of strategies and, if necessary obtain GHG offsets to reach the target emission level. GHG offsets enable individuals and organizations to invest in projects such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation projects.

Corporate Climate Action Targets

The City has established specific, clear GHG reduction targets, and has committed to providing the necessary support to achieve them. The combination of baseline data and targets provide a framework for measuring and reporting, which encourages accountability.

Target 1:

A 33 per cent reduction of corporate GHG emissions from 2007 levels by 2020 (in support of the Province of B.C. province-wide reduction target): To achieve this target, the following annual reductions are recommended:

  • 5 per cent reduction from the 2007 corporate GHG emissions annually in 2009 and 2010
  • 5 per cent reduction of the 2010 adjusted baseline that incorporates contracted waste removal services 2011 and 2012
  • 2 per cent GHG reduction of the adjusted 2010 baseline GHG emissions annually throughout 2013 to 2019. The above noted annual targets may have to be adjusted based on annual performance measurement and evaluation in order to meet the primary target of a 33 per cent reduction by 2020

Target 2:

All new City buildings must meet the requirements of LEEDTM Silver (or equivalent) and demonstrate energy performance that is 25 per cent better than the Model National Energy Code for Buildings.

Target 3:

To decrease the annual energy consumption of the City’s large energy consuming facilities by a minimum of 20 per cent from 2007 levels by 2012.

Areas for Corporate Climate Action

The Corporate Climate Action Strategy focuses on energy and emissions associated with municipal operations. Through review of the Energy and GHG Emissions Inventory, and analysis undertaken throughout the development of this strategy, the following areas have been identified as priorities for action:

  • Fuel-efficiency and green fleet management
  • Energy efficient retrofits for facilities
  • Green design for new and replacement City buildings
  • Behavioural change to reduce energy demands
  • Energy efficient street and park lighting

Reducing energy consumption in the City’s major facilities and reducing the fuel consumption of our fleet have been identified as the highest priorities. The City’s major facilities, including the Lewis Centre recreation facilities, are responsible for 53 per cent of GHG emissions. The City’s vehicle fleet produces 42 per cent of GHG emissions.