1st Street Retaining Wall Construction
October 9, 2015
Commuters travelling via the 1st Street hill in west Courtenay will encounter construction delays for the rest of October, for construction of a new retaining wall.
Work will begin on Tuesday, October 13, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays, and will continue until October 30.
The work zone is on the north side of 1st Street between Puntledge Park and the end of Menzies Avenue.
Traffic will be reduced to single-lane alternating during construction hours. Traffic control personnel will be on site to assist all commuters.
Access to properties in the work zone may be limited at times; the contractor will work directly with area residents to notify them in advance wherever possible for any issues temporarily affecting access to their properties. They will also work with residents to accommodate their regular garbage and recycling pickup.
For more information, please contact City of Courtenay Engineering at 250-334-4441 or email engineering@courtenay.ca