Development Cost Charges Bylaw Update

February 10, 2016

An update to the City of Courtenay’s Development Cost Charges (DCC) Bylaw passed first reading by Courtenay City Council earlier this month. The proposed revisions to the bylaw would update the fees paid by developers to the municipality.

DCCs are used to fund the cost of upgrading or providing road, water, sewer, and drainage, or acquiring and developing parkland needed to support new development. The Local Government Act regulates how municipalities use DCCs, and final adoption of DCC Bylaws are subject to provincial review and approval.

Over the last year, the City of Courtenay has been reviewing DCC rates, and has consulted with individuals, companies, and organizations involved in the development industry, as well as the general public. A public open house was held in June 2015, with an extension to the time provided for public comments and submissions.  

Overall the proposed rates are fairly consistent with existing rates. Single family dwelling unit DCCs would marginally increase by 5 percent; while multifamily and commercial categories would decrease. Carriage houses and suites are accounted for under the Single Family rate and therefore additional DCCs would not be charged for these types of units.  DCCs for multifamily units are proposed to be calculated based on actual area and not per unit. This is more reflective of the diverse sizes of units that are being developed in the city and would encourage the construction of smaller, more affordable units.

Comments will be accepted on the proposed DCC Bylaw update until February 24, 2016. Email or send to City of Courtenay Engineering Services, 830 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay BC V9N 2J7.

Courtenay City Council will consider the bylaw for second and third reading in March. If approved, the bylaw would then be submitted to the Province of B.C. for review and approval. Final adoption and new DCC rates are scheduled to take effect in April.

Find out more:

Review and Update of Development Cost Charges [PDF - 4 MB]

February 1, 2016 Council Report: Development Cost Charges Bylaw No. 2840, 2016 [PDF - 361 KB]

Draft Courtenay DCC Bylaw 2840 [PDF - 60 KB]