Recycling and Garbage Collection Update

February 14, 2017


ALL NEIGHBOURHOODS that did not receive garbage and recycling collection last Thursday and Friday will be collected this coming Thursday and Friday, February 16 and 17. Those neighbourhoods with missed collection may put out double the garbage this week, along with recycling.

If your household was the only one in your neighbourhood that was missed, please contact City of Courtenay Engineering at 250-334-4441 or email to report your missed collection. Thank you!



February 10, 2017

Courtenay waste collection schedule changes due to snow:

THURSDAY pick up

  • Garbage – Will be picked up today (Friday)
  • Recycling – Will be picked up today (Friday)

FRIDAY pick up

  • Garbage – Will take double next Friday
  • Recycling – Will be picking up next Friday along with Comox for the one time



February 9, 2017

The City's waste collection contractor, Emterra, has suspended collection today due to the conditions.

They will be resuming collection tomorrow morning (Friday) with the collection of Thursday's route as well as part of Friday's route. Anything missed will be likely collected the following week. However, depending on crew availability, there may be collection this Saturday - stay tuned for updates. Thank you