Courtenay Council Meeting Highlights for December 6
December 8, 2023
This update covers highlights from the December 6, 2023 Council meeting. If there’s something from the meeting that you’d like more detail on, the full agenda, video, and minutes (when available) of each meeting are posted on the City of Courtenay website at
Council respectfully acknowledged that the lands on which this meeting was conducted are the Unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.
Mayor Wells: Acknowledging Wednesday, December 6 as National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
- Comox Valley Farmers’ Market
Twila Skinner, general manager, provided an update on the Farmers’ Market activities, including the 2023 Economic Impact Study, and requested support to reduce the fees the Farmers’ Market pays to use the Native Sons Hall for fall and winter markets.
Staff Report
- Bylaw Policy and Strategic Plan for Bylaw Compliance
Council approved the City of Courtenay Strategic Plan for Bylaw Compliance and the City of Courtenay Bylaw Policy.
To develop both the Policy and the Strategy, the City focused on reviewing the current bylaw services enforcement policy, processes, and procedures. The City sought input on priorities, expectations and operational capacity through engagement activities including interviews with external contributors and internal City departments, an online public survey, and pop up engagement events.
For Adoption
- Solid Waste Management Bylaw No. 3113
Council reviewed several procedures with solid waste upcoming changes with the addition of the new carts. With automated curbside collection starting in January 2024, the existing Refuse Materials Collection, Removal and Regulation Bylaw No. 2244, 2002 no longer meets the needs of the solid waste collection service and is recommended to be formally repealed by bylaw.
Furthermore, an update is required to Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw No. 2435, 2006 to define the penalties for offences related to the new bylaw as well removing penalties for offences related to the old bylaw. In addition, a Solid Waste Contamination Policy to define escalating enforcement steps for recycling contamination. Council adopted "Solid Waste Management Bylaw No. 3113, 2023".
Staff Report
- Permanent Change to Liquor Licence Application (Kelly/Carlos O’Bryan’s) Hours of Service – 2910 Kilpatrick Avenue
Council directed staff to provide a response to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) recommending approval of the change of hours citing no objections to the application by Kelly/Carlos O’Bryan’s for a change in hours of primary liquor sales from 9:00a.m. – 12:00a.m. seven days a week (Monday – Sunday), to 09:00a.m. – 1:00a.m. (Monday – Saturday) and that all public comments be shared with the LCRB and encourage the LCRB to consult with the local community and work with the applicant to address public concerns, should the LCRB decide to approve the application.
- Proposed Regional Electric Bike Share Program
Presentation by Mike Zbarsky, Manager of Transportation and Facilities, CVRD, and David Holzer, BCAA, to introduce a pilot program for a regional electric bike share program to be operated by British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA)’s Evolve. This program will see E-Bikes stationed throughout the City and made available to anyone over 18 years old for a nominal fee through an App. The Evolve program launched in Whistler in 2022 and expanded to the SFU Burnaby Campus and New Westminster.
Staff Report
- Recreation Program and Admission Fees
Council received for information adjustments to recreation program and admission fees and charges. The City adopted a Recreation Fees and Charges Framework in 2022 which outlines the department’s approach to setting both rental and program fees. In line with the benefits-based continuum and Fees and Charges Framework, Courtenay Recreation looks to provide a greater subsidy to programs and services for children and youth, people with disabilities, and seniors.
Through completion of a market review of recreation programming, staff have determined that Courtenay Recreation’s recreation program offerings are operating below market value and are out of alignment with the cost recovery frameworks. As a result, program fees are being reviewed and gradual fee increases have been implemented starting with some registered programs in fall 2023.
For First, Second and Third Readings
- Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3094 (1560 Grieve Ave)
This application is for a 16 unit multi-residential rental development. Council gave first, second and third readings the above bylaw and that prior to Council consideration of adoption, the owner execute the Housing Agreement to form “Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 3117” for Council’s consideration.
Staff Report
- Warming Centre and Extreme Weather Response Shelter Update
Council approved the use of City facilities for the purpose of providing an Extreme Weather Response Shelter and/or Warming Centre in accordance with the Comox Valley Emergency Program and/or the Extreme Weather Response - Program Framework;
And Council delegated authority to the City Manager to determine the terms and conditions of a facility use agreement as deemed necessary to facilitate the provision of the Extreme Weather Response Shelter and/or Warming Centre;
And Council authorized the City Manager, Director of Recreation Culture, and Community Services, and the Director of Corporate Services to execute the agreement(s) on behalf of the City.
External Reports
- Letter from Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation - Development Covenants Affecting Home Solar Installations
Council received a letter from Josie Osborne, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation regarding development covenants affecting home solar installations and as suggested by Minister Osborne, directed staff to send a letter to re-state Council's concerns to the Ministry of the Attorney General of BC. - Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) 2024 Call for Resolutions
Council received the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) 2024 Call for Resolutions notice for the 2024 AGM and Convention.
Internal Reports
- Snow and Ice Control Program 2023-2024
Council received the “Snow and Ice Control 2023-2024” briefing note and presentation which included information on equipment, priorities, sidewalk clearing and next steps. - Heritage Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes - June 28, 2023 & October 31, 2023
Council received the June 28, 2023 and October 31, 2023 Heritage Advisory Commission minutes.
For First, Second and Third Readings
- Development Cost Charges (DCC) Waiver (Affordable Housing) Bylaw No. 3118
Council gave first, second and third readings to the above bylaw. The DCC Waiver and Exemption Bylaw establishes definitions for each class of “eligible development”, corresponding rates of reduction, and requirements that must be met to obtain a waiver or reduction. - Mansfield Lift Station Latecomer Agreement Bylaw No. 3119
Council gave first, second, and third readings to the above bylaw. The City is required to enter into the latecomer agreement with Newport Village Courtenay Developments LTD obligating the city to collect funds from benefitting landowners to reimburse Newport Village Courtenay Developments Ltd. for the excess or extended services associated with the upgrades to the Mansfield lift station.
For Adoption
- Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association (DCBIA) Bylaw No. 3105 - Counter Petition Results
At the September 13, 2023 Council meeting, Council directed staff to proceed with an update to the Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Area Bylaw to increase the maximum levy, as requested by the Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association (DCBIA). The required property owner consent process was concluded on November 15, 2023 and fewer than 50% of the eligible properties submitted forms opposing the bylaw, therefore it was determined that the bylaw received the consent of the electors. Council adopted “Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Area Bylaw No. 3105, 2023.
- Development Procedures Bylaw No. 3106
A bylaw establishing procedures for the processing of land development applications. Council adopted "Development Procedures Bylaw No. 3106, 2023".
- City of Courtenay Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3107
Council adopted the above bylaw related to Development application fees.
- Consumer Price Index (CPI) Increase to Development Cost Charge (DCC) Bylaw No. 2840, 2016 and Development Cost Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3116
An amendment to the Development Cost Charges Bylaw. Council adopted "Development Cost Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3116, 2023.
Council Reports
Members of Council are given the opportunity to describe various meetings and events they have attended. See attachments in the agenda with submitted written reports.
In Camera Resolution
Council closed the meeting to the public pursuant to the following subsections of the Community Charter:
90 (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
The meeting adjourned at 9:39 p.m., the next meeting is Wednesday, January 10 and will be available on the City of Courtenay’s YouTube Channel: