Courtenay Council Meeting Highlights for July 31

August 9, 2024

This update covers highlights from the July 31, 2024 Council meeting. If there’s something from the meeting that you’d like more detail on, the full agenda, video, and minutes (when available) of each meeting are posted on the City of Courtenay website at 

Council respectfully acknowledged that the lands on which this meeting was conducted are the Unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.

Delegation/Unfinished Business

Staff Reports


  • 2024-2034 Community Works Fund Agreement
    Council, on behalf of the City of Courtenay, agreed to enter into the 2024-2034 Community Works Fund Agreement with Union of BC Municipalities.

  • Special Events Permitting Review
    Council directed staff to review event-related bylaws and permitting requirements as part of the development of the Special Events and Hosting Policy anticipated to be undertaken in 2025/2026, identifying options and opportunities to improve risk management related to health, safety, business and community impacts.

  • Development Variance Permit No. 2304 - 1640 12th Street East
    Council varied Zoning Bylaw No. 2500, 2007, Section 6.5.3 (ii) as follows: from “15 m” to “10.5 m” from the natural boundary of Morrison Creek, Piercy Creek, Millard Creek, and any other watercourse to permit the construction of a deck; and Council approved “Development Variance Permit No. 2304 (1640 12th Street East)”. Council also directed the Director of Development Services to issue “Development Variance Permit No. 2304 (1640 12th Street East)”.  

  • 11th Street Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3059 – Application Introduction
    Applicants Ryan Cohen (Co-founder & CEO) and Rick Browning (Co-founder) of Pacific Swell (developer) were present to answer Council's questions pertaining to the proposed development.

    Council directed staff to bring forward the application for consideration of 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading at a regularly scheduled Council Meeting.

  • 2024 Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Asset Management Planning Grant Program Application
    Council approved submission of an application to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Asset Management Planning Grant Program in the amount of $25,000 for the development of a performance-based asset management renewal framework for capital assets in the right of way.

    Council supported the provision of in-house contributions of $35,000 of funds sourced from the Asset Management business area including in-kind contributions of staff time to match the grant application amount, this 31st day of July, 2024.

  • 2024 Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMA) Infrastructure Planning Grant Program Application
    Council approved submission of an application to the Local Government Infrastructure Planning Grant program for $10,000 for the documentation of an enterprise-wide technology blueprint for asset management applications and data. 

  • McPhee Meadows Update
    Council directed staff to proceed with the detailed design of Option 2, request a change in use for the park from Environment Canada, notify the McPhee Family, the Comox Valley Social Planning/Accessibility Committee, Environment Canada, Nature Trust BC as well as the public of the decision and begin construction as soon as possible; and in the event the required approval from Environment Canada and other related regulatory bodies is denied, staff be authorized to proceed with detailed design of Option 1, notify the McPhee Family, the Comox Valley Social Planning/Accessibility Committee, Environment Canada, Nature Trust BC as well as the public of the decision and begin construction as soon as possible.

  • Community and Social Development Framework and Action Plan
    Council endorsed the proposed scope, work, and subsequent steps detailed in the staff report concerning the establishment of a Community and Social Development (CSD) Framework and Action Plan.

    Council directed staff to execute the ‘Better Together’ and ‘Neighborhood Network’ strategies outlined in the staff report, which are designed to enhance community capacity, resilience, and social well-being.

  • Memorial Bench Program Options
    Council directed staff to develop a new memorial bench donation program and return to Council with a staff report on the memorial program that includes a Memorial Bench Donation Policy; and that the memorial bench donation program establish its fees at 100% cost recovery. Council directed staff to proceed with the decommissioning of existing memorial benches as outlined in the “Memorial Bench Program Options” report.

  • Courtenay Fire Department 2024 Semi-annual Activity Report
    Council received the "Courtenay Fire Department 2024 Semi-annual Activity Report" briefing note for information.

Internal Reports


For First, Second and Third Reading


For Adoption


Rise and Report

  • Winter Shelter Strategy – Request to the Comox Valley Regional District                       
    Council directed staff to forward the report “Winter Shelter Strategy – Request to Comox Valley Regional District” to the CVRD Board and request that $91,000 be transferred from the CVRD’s Homelessness and Supports Services to the City of Courtenay towards the development and implementation of a Winter Shelter Strategy for the Comox Valley.

    Council also directed staff to forward the report “Winter Shelter Strategy – Request to Comox Valley Regional District” to the Town of Comox and request funding support for the City of Courtenay to lead the development and implementation of a Winter Shelter Strategy for the Comox Valle.

    Without objection, Council received the "CVRD Winter Shelter Strategy" letter.

Council Reports

Members of Council are given the opportunity to describe various meetings and events they have attended. See attachments in the agenda with submitted written reports.

In Camera Resolution

Council closed the meeting to the public for private discussions pursuant to the Community Charter subsections 90 1(a), (c), (e), (g) (k)and 2(d).

Staff Report

  • Report on Temporary Shelter, Washrooms and Storage
    To provide Council with an update regarding temporary shelter, washrooms, and storage and to seek Council’s approval to advance the work necessary to locate temporary washrooms and storage adjacent to the Connect Centre.

    Council allocate up to $150,000 from the 2023 surplus towards the installation of the temporary washroom trailer and storage solutions and delegated authority to the Director of Recreation, Culture and Community Services, to negotiate amendments to the lease agreement between the City of Courtenay and the Comox Valley Transition Society.

    Council further directed staff to request operating funding contributions for the temporary washroom and/or storage facility from: BC Housing, Comox Valley Regional District (Function 451), Town of Comox, and other appropriate funders.


Mayor Wells terminated the open portion of the meeting at 8:48 pm. Following the conclusion of the in-camera portion of the meeting, Mayor Wells terminated the meeting at 10:29 pm., the next meeting is Wednesday, August 28 and will be available on the City of Courtenay’s YouTube Channel: