Statement from Mayor Bob Wells: Public Safety

September 6, 2024

The following statement is distributed on behalf of City of Courtenay Mayor Bob Wells in response to an assault in downtown Courtenay on September 4, 2024:

“Everyone deserves to feel safe in our community and I commend all involved for bringing this situation to a quick resolution. My heart goes out to those directly impacted by this incident, with gratitude there were no reports of serious physical injuries.

To address some of the information being shared online, we are advised by the Comox Valley RCMP that this incident was not linked to the Connect Centre in any way. The youth suspect was not known to police.

Our Council takes public safety seriously and has been making investments to support the tools we need to respond to community issues, with $8.6 million budgeted in 2024 alone for police services. This also includes working with the RCMP on initiatives such as downtown foot patrols.

Since 2021, the City has added two new members to the Bylaw Enforcement team, modernized bylaws, and updated policies to support bylaw compliance throughout the community, with additional bylaw updates to be considered by Council this fall.

We have met multiple times with provincial ministers, ministry staff and Island Health, and worked with agencies to advocate for more support for our community.

We have received important funding and housing units over the years and are considering the approval of a purpose-built shelter, day services and supportive housing project, but there are still gaps for those with the most serious needs.

Provincial officials have made a commitment to our Council for complex care beds in the Comox Valley. The City has always worked closely with the province and partner agencies, and we are thankful for the investments in the community to date. We remain hopeful that additional supports are coming to help.

On public safety, we remind the public that:

  • If you see anyone in immediate danger of harming themselves or others call 911.
  • If there is no immediate danger, report concerns to the non-emergency RCMP number 250-338-1321 or online at
  • If you are a victim of crime and trauma, contact RCMP Victim Services at 250-334-5979.”