Join Courtenay Recreation's ParticipACTION Challenge

Date & Time: June 1 - 30, 2024 (12:00am - 11:45pm)

Category: Recreation (See all events in this category)

The National ParticipACTION Community Challenge is happening for the entire month of June, and Courtenay Recreation is encouraging everyone in Courtenay to get involved in the fun. Winning the award for Canada’s Most Active Community would come with a $100,000 grand prize to be put towards local sport and physical activity initiatives.

The Community Challenge from June 1 to 30 is open to everyone, including organizations, businesses and individuals. Sign up either as an organization or as an individual at (under Community Challenge). Participating organizations also have the chance to win additional prizes from ParticipACTION.

Courtenay Recreation will be getting in on the action with events and activities throughout June. This includes:

Try Wheelchair Basketball on June 25

The ParticipACTION Community Challenge continues till the end and Courtenay Rec and Pacific Sport a free family-friendly event coming up!


Wheelchair Basketball happens Tuesday June 25 from 4 – 7 pm at the Lewis Centre. All ages and abilities are welcome at this fun-focused event where you can experience wheelchair basketball for the first time, try out some learned skills or wheel around in a game.


Splitting the gym into zones, the experienced staff at Pacific Sport will guide you through how to use a wheelchair and teach you skills of the sport in a fun environment.


Event schedule:

4:00 - 5:00 pm obstacle course & games

5:00 - 6:00 pm drills & try its

6:00 - 7:00 pm mini games


For more information call the Lewis Centre at 250-338-5371


ParticipACTION is a national physical activity and sport initiative that emphasizes that everyone in Canada should have access to physical activity to help them grow and thrive – physically, emotionally and socially. For more information visit