Memorial Bench Program

Start: Fall 2025

End: (Ongoing)

Last Updated: September 5, 2024

Project Description:
  • Council has approved the development of the memorial bench program which includes the creation of a policy
  • This will be a new program.  Staff will be developing the program to deal with the issues that lead to the program being put on hold and discontinued in 2019.
  • It will take about a year to develop the new program due to existing workplan project priorities that are ahead of this project
  • Also staff need time to inventory what benches/plaques are still in service at the various original installation locations. Also new locations will be proposed as we create park plans and review existing and potential bench inventories on trails.
  • Once a new program and associated policy is approved by Council, staff will contact previous donors to give them first right of refusal on their past donation location.
  • If they are interested in a new donation, it will be at the current fee and a new contract will be signed
  • If the past donor isn’t interested, then the location will be made available to next person on the waitlist. Note that staff are not taking new waitlist contacts until the program is officially restarted next year.
  • We anticipate the new program will be in place the fall of 2025

Background Information

Staff Report July 31 2024 - Memorial Bench Program Options.pdf [PDF - 9 MB]

Staff Report April 1, 2019 - Memorial Program [PDF - 1 MB]

Staff Report March 25, 2019 - Memorial Bench Program [PDF - 850 KB]

Project Status:
