Get to Know our Fitness Instructors
Learn more about our fitness instructors with our new fun Q&A interview series! First up is Milena Spratt and Luis Acosta.
Milena Spratt - Zumba© Instructor
1. What do you do for the City of Courtenay? I’m a Zumba Instructor!
2. What certifications do you hold? Zumba Gold, Zumba Toning, Zumba Gold Toning, Zumba, Pro Skills, First Aid and two years of Jazz Dance.
3. How long have you been with the City of Courtenay? Three years
4. How do you stay motivated to live an active and healthy lifestyle? Living on Vancouver Island, there is so much to explore and see. Waking up in the morning I can’t wait for my next adventure. I look forward to everything this island has to offer.
5. Burgers, Tacos, or Pizza? Definitely Tacos
6. Favorite Movie? Flash Dance
7. A fact most people don’t know about you: I’m shy
8. First concert you ever attended? Jann Arden and Great Big Sea
9. Favorite hobby? Motorcycle Riding
10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why? Super strength, to be able to do the things I can’t do!
11. If you could take a year off from work, what would you do? Go RV’ing, kayaking, bicycle riding, exploring, and motorcycle riding, clean my house, do yard work, and the list goes on!
12. Favorite TV series? Grey’s Anatomy
13. Best part of doing what you do? Keeping people happy, healthy and sane!
14. Words of wisdom/or words to live by? Maintain positivity however you can
15. How would your friends describe you? Energetic and Happy :)
Want to practice with Milena?
View our Virtual Recreation page for two Zumba© videos and check the drop-in fitness schedule for her in-person classes.
Luis Acosta - Group Fitness and Indoor Cycling Instructor

What do you do for the City of Courtenay? I am a Group Fitness and Indoor cycling Instructor.
As an instructor, my commitment is to do everything in my power to lift your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, in the hopes that you embrace all that you are today, tomorrow, and for all your days to come.
Certifications: Fitness Instructor Specialist under Canfitpro, and Indoor Cycling Instructor with Madd Dogg Spinning (Johnny G). I have been teaching Fitness and Cycling classes for 15 years in New York City and Canada, and a fitness instructor for Fitbodies at all-inclusive resorts.
How long have you been working with the City of Courtenay? One year (began in 2019)
How do you stay motivated? Every day is a blessing, and in order to experience that blessing, I need to be engaged in the world as it is presented to me every single day. It is this belief that keeps me motivated and engaged in daily life.
Burgers, pizza or tacos? Burgers
Favorite Movie? Close Encounters
What’s a fact most people don’t know about you? I sang in a Community Chorale
What was the first concert you remember attending? Grateful Dead in NYC
Favorite hobby? Stargazing
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? To be able to fly and soar through the sky, free to go wherever I want
If you could take a year off from work, what would you do?I would travel to Europe, Latin America, and Asia
Favorite TV Series? The Blacklist
What is the best part about your job with Courtenay? Meeting people and enjoying the interactions I have with class participants, as well as seeing class participants get stronger, healthier, and achieving their individual fitness goals.
What are some words of wisdom to live by? "It is within each and every one of us to be great"
How would your friends describe you? My friends would describe me as a loving and caring person, at times perhaps a little crazy, but that he will always be there for you, and his word is his bond.