2025 to 2029 Financial Plan

Balancing Act Budget Simulator

How would you balance the budget for an entire city?

The City of Courtenay has launched a virtual tool that will give you hands-on experience shaping Courtenay’s financial plan while sharing your budget choices with the City.

Try it for yourself:

Balancing Act Online Budget Simulator

Provide input on revenue and expense service categories in the City’s 2025 financial plan, increasing or decreasing revenue and expenditures to arrive at a balanced budget that reflects your priorities and values.

The simulator will be available until January 15, 2025.

About the Financial Planning process

The City of Courtenay is committed to sound financial management, and is required under the Community Charter to adopt a balanced five-year financial plan by May 15 every year. 

Additional information, reports and documentation will be added to this webpage as the budget and financial plans progress over the coming months.

Courtenay Council will review the proposed 2025 - 2029 Financial Plan at the January 29, 2025, Council meeting.

For Council meeting information visit courtenay.ca/CouncilMeetings