Snow and Ice Control

During snow and ice conditions, the City of Courtenay’s Operational Services department is ready to respond 24/7 between October 1 and March 31.

City crews maintain over 341 lane kilometres of paved roads, working up to 14-hour shifts during snow events to keep roads clear and safe.

Crews are also dispatched to clear high-priority sidewalks and storm drains (catch basins) to help prevent flooding.

For information about automated curbside collection during a snowfall event, visit collection zones and schedules.

Street clearing priorities

Roads are cleared in the following order:

  1. Main roads: Arterial and major collector roads, emergency services facilities, bus routes and the downtown core commercial area. 
  2. Secondary roads: Minor collector roads, streets with steep hills and school zones.
  3. Local roads
  4. Cul-de-sacs and lanes

On local roads, cul-de-sacs and lanes, expect a single plow pass to ensure emergency access for police, fire and ambulance.

Sidewalk clearing

The City clears high-volume sidewalks where mechanical clearing is possible, including:

  • arterial roads
  • downtown core
  • park frontages
  • transit areas
  • sidewalks near emergency and municipal facilities
  • prioritized paved walking trails
  • collector roads without adjacent residential homes

Learn more:

Your role as a resident or business

Everyone has a role in keeping roads and sidewalks safe.

  • Avoid calling Operational Services unless it’s an emergency. Crews follow a priority clearing system.
  • Clear sidewalks next to your property. Do not shovel snow onto roads as it creates hazards for motorists.
  • Move parked vehicles off the street when possible to help plows clear roads efficiently.
  • Clear storm drains and fire hydrants to help prevent flooding and ensure quick access to a hydrant in case of a fire.
  • Assist your neighbours. Seniors or those with limited mobility may need help clearing driveways and sidewalks.  
  • Be patient and kind. Crews work long shifts to keep our roads safe.

Interactive map: Storm catch basin locations

Snow safety

  • Check weather forecasts and warnings.
  • Keep a shovel and bag of salt or sodium chloride on hand for clearing ice and snow.
  • Never use hot water to melt ice as it can refreeze and become more slippery.
  • When shovelling, pile snow on your property, not on the sidewalk or roads.
  • Keep children away from snowbanks and plows.
  • Check on neighbours that may need assistance.
  • Take transit instead of driving when possible.

Snowplow safety

Snowplowing is a demanding job and City crews work around the clock. Snow clearing equipment requires a wide berth and cannot be maneuvered as easily as a family vehicle. Here’s how you can help:

  • Limit travel during severe weather.
  • Stay at least 10 metres back from plows toavoid debris and low visibility.
  • Never tailgate or pass snowplows. The plow blades may be obscured by spraying snow and ice.
  • Pedestrians, stay alert when crossing the street and make eye contact with plow operators before proceeding.
  • Remove parked vehicles from streets wherever possible until plowing is complete.

For everyone’s safety, emergency vehicles always have priority on City roads. Vehicles may be towed if necessary to keep routes clear.