Automated Collection

City Curbside Cart Set-out Guidelines:

  • Roll your carts out between 5:00-8:00 am on your scheduled collection day.
  • Place your carts as close to the roadway as possible, without blocking traffic, sidewalks, and bike lanes.
  • Leave at least 1 metre (3 feet) of clearance on all sides of the carts from any obstacles, such as parked cars, poles, fire hydrants, etc.
  • Leave 3 metres of clearance above the carts.
  • All material must be placed in the cart with the lid completely closed.
  • Make sure the arrows on the cart lid are pointing toward the street
  • In organics carts, biodegradable/compostable plastics and poly/cellulose lined paper bags are not accepted. Only unlined paper bags, newspaper and food-soiled cardboard are suitable for lining the cart or containing food waste.
  • For garbage carts, tie or close garbage bags. Do not loop bags around top of cart, this can cause spillage when the bag does not release while being tipped into the truck.

Click this link to view the Automated Curbside Cart Collection Guide. [PDF - 1 MB]. These frequently asked questions provide an overview of how the program works.

Each household with City curbside collection service receives three wheeled carts – garbage (black lid), organics (green lid) and recycling (blue lid).

Additional Cart Requests

Additional garbage, recycling and organics carts are available for those households that require them. Additional carts can be requested via email to or by calling Solid Waste Services at 250-338-1525.

Payment for the requested cart(s) must be paid in person at City Hall via debit, cash or cheque. Cheques can also be mailed, please send to Courtenay City Hall, 830 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay, BC V9N 2J7.

Questions? Please email

New Occupancy Cart Requests

Please email or call 250-338-1525 to request a cart set for delivery.

Cart Size Changes

The City will be offering a cart exchange program in the fall of 2025. Cart exchanges will be subject to a $65 adminstration fee per household.

A Guide for New Collection Carts in Courtenay

 Cart Sizing

Each single residential dwelling and duplex unit will receive one set of the following carts:

  • 360 L Recycling cart with blue lid
  • 360 L Organics (yard waste and food waste) cart with green lid
  • 120 L Garbage cart with black lid

Dwellings with a legal secondary suite or carriage house, who pay two garbage fees, will receive a second smaller set: 

  • 240 L Recycling car with blue lid
  • 120 L Organics (yard waste and food waste) cart with green lid
  • 120 L Garbage cart with black lid

Each patio home, townhouse,fourplex and mobile home in a mobile home park will receive one set of the following carts:

  • 240 L Recycling cart with blue lid
  • 120 L Organics (yard waste and food waste) cart with green lid
  • 120 L Garbage cart with black lid

Cart Dimensions

Cart Size Height Width Depth
360 L 110 cm (43 in) 74 cm (29 in) 85 cm (33 in)
240 L 110 cm (43 in) 68 cm (27 in) 68 cm (27 in)
120 L 95 cm (37 in) 47 cm (18.5 in) 61 cm (24 in)