The City's solid waste collection bylaw limits the frequency, size, weight, and location of collection carts put out for curbside collection. Try out the Waste Wizard to find out the best way to recycle or dispose of your materials.
Curbside Collection Details:
Frequency: Biweekly
Type: City issued cart
Maximum Weight (120L Cart): 55 kg (122 lbs)
Location: Place cart on street with wheels against curb. For other options based on street configuration including bike lanes and on-street parking please refer to the Curbside Collection Guide provided with the cart or available at
NOTE: Please tie/close plastic garbage bags. Do not loop edges of the garbage bag around the cart, this can cause spillage when the bag does not release while being tipped into the truck.
Please ensure all materials are at the curbside by 8:00 am on your collection day.
Not accepted in the garbage
- yard waste
- recyclable materials
- construction materials, wood waste
- vehicle parts or scrap metal
- large dead animals (deer, sheep, etc.)
- batteries
- compressed gas cylinders
- needles and sharps
- pharmaceuticals
- paints
Unsure how to dispose of an item, check the Waste Wizard!
What do I do if my garbage is missed?
If your garbage was not picked up please contact City of Courtenay Public Works Services at 250-338-1525 or email