The City of Courtenay provides residential organics collection, including yard waste and food waste, as part of the residential curbside collection program.
Curbside Collection Details:
Frequency: Weekly Type: City issued cart
Maximum Weight (360 L Cart): 146 kg (322 lbs)
Location: Place cart on street with wheels against curb. For other options based on street configuration including bike lanes and on-street parking please refer to the Curbside Collection Guide provided with the cart or available at
NOTE: No compostable or biodegradeable plastic bags. No paper bags with bioplastic or cellulose lining i.e. shiny lining.
Please ensure all materials are at the curbside by 8:00 am on your collection day.
Accepted Materials:
Check out the CSWM Curbside Food and Yard Waste Guide for details on what is accepted.
- Food scraps and soiled paper
- Leaves
- Grass clippings
- Flowers
- Plants
- Tree or hedge prunings
- Branches (maximum diameter 3 inches, length must be cut to fit inside cart with lid closed).
NOTE: No compostable or biodegradeable plastic bags. No paper bags with bioplastic or cellulose lining.
Not Accepted Materials:
- Large amounts of sod or soil
- liquid grease
- stickers, twist ties, elastic bands from produce
- Recyclables (plastics, styrofoam, metal)
- Flower pots (ceramic, terracotta ect.)
- Animal feces or litter
- diapers or hygiene products
- Rocks or stumps
- Painted or treated wood
- Invasive plants - via Comox Strathcona Waste Management
Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM)
The Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) service is a function of the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD.) They are responsible for two regional waste management centres that serve the Comox Valley and Campbell River. CSWM is working in partnership with City of Courtenay, City of Campbell River, Town of Comox and the Village of Cumberland to manage organic waste (food & yard waste) at the new regional compost facility. Diverting food and yard waste helps extend the lifespan of the landfill and reduce harmful greenhouse gases.