Development Services
BC Building Code Changes Effective in 2025
Starting March 10, 2025, new requirements for adaptable dwellings and updates to seismic design standards will take effect. Any building permit applications submitted on or after this date must comply with the 2024 BC Building Code requirements.
For more details, please refer to the Building and Safety Standards Branch Information Bulletins:
- Transition period for seismic requirements in the British Columbia Building Code 2024
- Transition period for adaptable dwellings in the British Columbia Building Code 2024
Development Application Process
If you would like to make a development application or development inquiry, please email a detailed summary of your development proposal.
Planning staff will contact you to discuss your application and provide you with the required application forms. When you are ready to proceed and have all of the required application materials, you can request a file upload link to submit your electronic application materials to the Planning Department. Staff will contact you with the required application fees and information on how to make a payment.
Application forms and guides, and related links for all Development Services applications
Each page contains a guide that gives you general information relating to when an application of that type is required, the application process, and required submissions and includes an application form.
General Information
The Development Services Department ensures that land use reflects the public’s interest. The department is guided by the Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw, Building Bylaw and the BC Building Code, and ensures that projects are consistent with the City’s bylaws and policies.
Building Division
The Building Services Division is responsible for the enforcement of the British Columbia Building and Plumbing Codes and municipal bylaws relating to building construction, business licence administration, the review and investigation of complaints on building matters and the technical review of development applications.
- BC Energy Step Code
- Building and Plumbing Permits
- Building Permits Issued
- Hazardous Materials
- Secondary Suites
Business Licencing
- Business Licencing information and application forms
- The Downtown Courtenay Playbook: A Partnership Action Plan (a long-term overarching vision and goals, along with a list of actions and broad timelines to help achieve them).
The City of Courtenay has adopted targets for the community at large to reduce the environmental impact of our community.
- Corporate Climate Action
- Environmental Emergencies
- Environmental Policy
- Pesticide Use
- Reports & Publications
- Single Use Plastics
- Things You can Do
- Tree Management
- Water Conservation
Planning Division
The Planning Division is responsible for processing development related applications such as rezoning, development permits, development variance permits, board of variance permits, tree permits, boundary extensions, sign permits, as well as keeping the related bylaws and policies up to date.
- Board of Variance
- Current Development Applications
- Development Permits, Development Variance Permits
- Heritage
- Official Community Plan
- Liquor Licence and Recreational Cannabis Regulations
- Temporary Use Permit
- Tree Management
- Zoning Regulations
Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), certain portions of the records maintained by the City’s Building Department are public information and are available for viewing and copying.
Agent Authorization Form [PDF - 1 MB]
To act of the behalf of a propterty owner.
The Downtown sidewalk patio program establishes guidelines and a permitting process for the addition of sidewalk seating areas for downtown businesses.
Erecting a new sign or changing an existing sign information and application forms.
Subdivision & Development Servicing
Subdivision is the act of altering legal property boundaries. Subdivision applications involve the division of a property into smaller lots, the realignment of existing property lines or the consolidation of two or more lots in to one single entity. The approval process allows the City of Courtenay to review all of the elements of the application and ensure that the new lots meet the requirements of land use and development in the City of Courtenay’s jurisdiction.
- Approved Products List
- Current Subdivision Applications List
- Development Cost Charges
- Placement of Fill
- Subdivision Applications
- Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw
Payment Options:
Application fees can be paid in-person at City Hall (830 Cliffe Ave). Accepted payment types: Cash, cheque or debit. (For afterhours cheque drop-off, a drop box is at the front doors.)
Credit card payments for fees only as refunding is not possible:
Online bill payment options also available. Please contact the Department Clerk for an account number associated with your application.