Application Forms
General Information
When submitting an application, the application form must be completed (all sections) and signed by the applicant. The application form must be included with all required submissions. Where an application is incomplete (form or submissions) the application will be returned to the applicant;
- The City does not hold incomplete applications, therefore you are advised to discuss the proposal including specific application requirements for your project with the coordination department prior to submitting your application;
- It is the applicant’s responsibility to be familiar and knowledgeable of all requirements, policies and applicable bylaws within the City of Courtenay and to clearly represent how the application conforms to these requirements, policies and bylaws before making an application. See related links on this page for Bylaws that may relate to your proposal;
- The applicant or coordinating professional must ensure that the submissions, including plans are internally consistent. Plans that are not internally consistent will be returned to the applicant or coordinating professiional with no further review;
Application Forms, Guides and Related Links
The following list will link to the application forms and general information relating to when an application of that type is required, the application process, and required submissions and includes an application form. Note that some of the links below may be for information only, where an application is not required but Bylaw regulations must still be maintained.
Accessory Buildings and Structures
Commercial Tenant Alterations/Improvements
Driveway Application [PDF - 84 KB]
Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption
Heritage Alteration [PDF - 291 KB]