Utility billing

Bill payments and due dates

Utility bills must be paid by the due date listed on the bill. As per Bylaw 1700, not receiving a bill is not a valid reason for missing a payment.

A 5 per cent late fee is applied to overdue accounts. Any outstanding balances from before the last billing cycle of the fourth quarter (for metered water) will be transferred to the property tax roll as money owing on December 31. Any amount owing will accrue daily interest until paid.

Utility bills do not include GST or PST.

Who receives the utility bill?

Utility bills can be sent to tenants, property owners, third-party billing companies or property managers. However, the property owner is responsible for any outstanding balances, regardless of who receives the bill.

Payment methods

Payments for utilities can be made online by credit card, through your financial institution, by cheque or in person. We do not accept e-transfers. For more information on how to pay, see bill payments.

Owner responsibilities

Property owners are responsible for notifying the City of any changes to ownership, tenancy or billing addresses to ensure bills are sent to the correct recipient. Requests must be submitted in writing to Financial Services.

Owners must also address any water leaks on their property within 10 days  (as per Bylaw 1700). Water that flows through the meter due to a leak will be reflected on the quarterly bill and must be paid. If the leak is located outside the buried portion of the service line between the meter and the building, a bill reduction is not available. For more information on water leaks and potential reductions, see our metered water page.

Unpaid utility charges from a previous owner

Utility charges remain with the property, not the individual. If there are unpaid utility bills from the previous owner, the outstanding amount stays with the property. Check your Statement of Adjustments from the property sale or contact your notary to see if an adjustment was made during the transaction.