FAQs: Winter Shelter


  1. Why does the Comox Valley need a winter shelter?

    The 2023 Point-in-Time Count revealed a sharp increase in homelessness in the Comox Valley, with 272 individuals experiencing homelessness—more than double the number from 2020.

    The results of the City's 2023 resident survey, "Your Courtenay, Your Voice" identified homelessness as the most important issue facing the City.

    Winter shelter services are critical to addressing the life safety needs of unhoused residents during cold and wet winter weather, which poses significant risks to the health and life of individuals living outside. (Island Health | Cold Weather Safety)

    The City of Courtenay has taken a leadership role in responding to community concerns regarding a lack of shelter for unhoused individuals, including leading the development of a regional Winter Shelter Strategy to address the need for respite from winter weather across the Comox Valley.

  2. What is happening at 971 Cumberland Road?

    The City of Courtenay made an emergency policy decision at the December 11, 2024 Council meeting to temporarily allow the property at 971 Cumberland Road to be used for winter shelter services until April 15, 2025. This is a direct result of the urgent need for winter shelter this season. Any further delay in providing this service risks negative and serious impacts to the health of the region’s unhoused residents.

     BC Housing has provided funding for an Extreme Weather Response (EWR) shelter for the 2024/2025 season. The EWR is operated by Lookout Housing and Health Society.

  3. What kind of shelter will be operated at 971 Cumberland Road?

    City Council has temporarily allowed 971 Cumberland Road to be used for the provision of winter shelter services until April 15, 2025. The provision of shelter is the jurisdiction of the Province, through BC Housing which has two main winter shelter programs:

    • Extreme Weather Response (EWR) shelters: Weather activated based on pre-determined, community specific weather thresholds.
    • Temporary Winter Shelters: Open nightly, regardless of weather, throughout the winter season until April.

    BC Housing has confirmed that funding is available for an EWR at 971 Cumberland Road. BC Housing has engaged Lookout Housing and Health Society as the shelter operator at this location.

    More information on emergency shelter programs and operations can be found here: Emergency Shelter Program | BC Housing

  4. How and when will the winter shelter operate?

    The shelter opened in early February 2025 following the completion of necessary building upgrades.

    The shelter operates overnight as an EWR, and is activated based on meeting predetermined weather thresholds as approved by BC Housing, from 8:30pm to 7 a.m. nightly.

    The shelter currently has capacity for approximately 20 people overnight.



  5. What measures will be used to support integration of the winter shelter in the neighbourhood while it is operating?

    The City and local service provider are committed to supporting this essential service while also mitigating any potential impacts to neighbours.

    Mitigation measures will include having additional staff or security on site during peak hours of operation to ensure the safe and secure operations of the shelter and reduce impacts on the neighbourhood.

    Lookout sent information to neighbouring properties regarding shelter operations as well as their contact information so that they can be contacted should any concerns arise.

    Additionally, there will be daily perimeter clean-ups before and after shelter operations to collect and dispose of debris and ensure the property remains clear of loitering.

  6. Who is involved with establishing the winter shelter at 971 Cumberland Road?

    The City of Courtenay is collaborating with the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD), the Coalition to End Homelessness, local service providers and non-profit partners through an EWR Task Force and a Winter Shelter Working Group.

    BC Housing is the provincial agency responsible for funding shelter operations and enters into operating agreements with service providers to do so.

  7. Where is the winter shelter located?

    The winter shelter is located at 971 Cumberland Road at McKenzie Avenue, in a light industrial area near the Operations Centre (Public Works Yard.) City Council has allowed this use temporarily until April 2025.

  8. Did the City buy this property specifically to be used as a shelter or similar service?

    No. This property was recently acquired by the City based on its proximity to the Operations Centre for potential future expansion.

  9. When is the winter shelter opening?

    The winter shelter opened in early February 2025 following completion of necessary life- and fire-safety building upgrades. The space will provide emergency overnight shelter services until April 2025. For activation dates and times, follow @cvcoalitiontoendhomelessness on Facebook.

  10. What activates an EWR shelter?

    Via BC Housing: "The activation of EWR sites depends on the weather conditions set out in each community’s EWR Plan, as prepared by the community, and approved by BC Housing each year. During extreme winter weather events the community representative issues an alert, pursuant to the Assistance to Shelter Act, that ensures partners are aware of the EWR shelters that are opening and alerts police to assist persons at risk due to extreme weather conditions. The alert remains in effect – and EWR shelters open each night – until it is cancelled by the community representative."

    In the Comox Valley, the current community lead for EWR Community Planning in 2024/2025 is the Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness.

    The weather conditions defined in the EWR Community Plan include sleet or freezing rain, snow accumulation, sustained winds, heavy rainfall, temperature threshold of below one degree Celsius, wind chill factor, flood risk, or a combination of conditions. Activation of the EWR program occurs on a night-to-night basis and is based on the same-day weather forecast for the evening.

  11. Why did the City and project partners work so urgently to open the winter shelter?

    The risk to health and safety of unsheltered individuals during periods of winter weather support the City's use of emergency powers to temporarily allow a winter shelter on this property to ensure the service is available as quickly as possible.

    These emergency powers are granted by the Province through the Community Charter.